個人資料保障及私隱政策 (2018年4月版)
1. 個人資料收集
1.1 我們重視您的私隱,不向您收集多於因提供服務和保障其賬戶(「亞洲水產網店會員賬戶」)所需的個人資料。
1.2 當您使用您的亞洲水產網店會員賬戶,包括您登記成為亞洲水產網店的會員時,我們可能要求您提供的個人資料包括但不限於姓名、出生日期、性別、電話號碼、電郵地址、聯絡/送貨地址等(「個人資料」)。您必須提供某些在收集時會列明的個人資料項目。否則,我們可能無法為您提供我們的產品及/或服務(包括登記成為亞洲水產網店會員)。
2. 個人資料之使用及轉移
2.1 收集您的資料包括聯絡資料以及所要求的服務或支援紀錄。所提供予我們的任何個人資料,即您授權我們收集、保留及使用您的個人資料,及被用於以下用途:
(a)營運及/或管理您的亞洲水產網店會員賬戶;(b)確認您的身份;(c)提供亞洲水產網店或各推廣活動之獎賞、優惠、禮券或服務;(d) 提供新的服務或消息通知;(e)提供客戶服務及回覆您的查詢或意見;(f) 統計和分析用途,以開發或改善服務等;(g)作市場推廣和宣傳;及(h)就上述任何目的,或依照法律要求,或就您提出的任何意見或要求而作出任何披露。
2.2 您並同意我們可披露及轉移(香港或海外)您之個人資料予我們就以下服務所聘用的第三方服務提供者:
2.3 當有必要時我們亦可能會為上述第2.1(h)條所指明之目的披露及轉移(無論在香港或海外)您之個人資料予我們所聘用的專業顧問、執法機關、保險公司、政府和監管機構及其他組織。
2.4 我們只會在得到您同意或表示不反對的情況下,使用您的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址及聯絡/送貨地址,為您提供有關亞洲水產及/或您的亞洲水產網店賬戶和透過亞洲水產及/或您的亞洲水產網店賬戶可換領之產品/服務的市場推廣資訊,上述產品或服務包括亞洲水產所有關聯公司及商戶/合作夥伴所提供的產品及服務。
2.5 我們可能會就不同目的(包括市場推廣和宣傳)將總體資料在您身份不會被識別的情況下提供予第三方,及可能使用此資料以便更了解您的需要及改善和調整我們的產品和服務。
2.6 就以上第2.1條所述之任何目的或因與此等目的有關,您提供的任何個人資料將由我們保留,並可由我們的員工、任何我們所聘用之第三方服務提供者及以上第2.3條所提及之第三方查閱。
2.7 我們可能允許亞洲水產的職員(「該職員」)使用亞洲水產網店(包括但不限於登記成爲亞洲水產網店的會員及使用其提供的各項功能),但該職員在使用亞洲水產網店時必須在任何時候遵守任何適用的行爲準則及/或我們及/或其相關僱主公司的其他相關規定。儘管在此個人資料保障及私隱政策中可能有其他的規定,但如果該職員被發現利用其作爲職員的職務之便,濫用亞洲水產網店(包括但不限於使用任何機密或其他類似的內幕信息,從亞洲水產網店提供的任何促銷或優惠獲得不公平的優勢),我們會將事件向有關授權機構報告以進行調查及/或紀律處分。
3. 個人資料的安全性
4. 第三方使用
5. 查閱或更改個人資料
5.1 根據香港私隱條例,您有權查閱我們持有有關您的個人資料及要求更正您的個人資料。
5.2 您如對此個人資料保障及私隱政策有任何疑問,或如欲查閱或更正您之個人資料,可將您的要求以書面方式寄送至下列地址:
電郵地址: oasis@aquatechasia.hk
5.3 根據香港私隱條例,我們保留權利就處理任何查閱或更正個人資料的要求向您收取合理的費用。
6. 更新
7. 版本
Personal Data Protectionand Privacy Policy (Version: April 2018)
Aquaculture Technologies Asia Ltd ("ATA"or "we" and "us" and "our" shall be construedaccordingly) respect the privacy of all individuals, and we ensure that ouremployees handle personal information in accordance with the strictest standardof security and confidentiality. We pledge to comply with the requirements ofthe Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) ("Ordinance") inHong Kong. This Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy applies to allproducts and services provided by us including but not limited to the website,app or such other program or software named as ATA NETshop ("ATANETshop") and sets out how we may collect, use and disclose your personalinformation. We protect and handle your personal information in accordance withthese terms and conditions.
1. Collection of Personal Data
1.1 Your privacy is important to us and we donot collect excessive personal information from you for the purpose ofproviding this service and protect the personal information ("ATA NETshopMembership Account") provided by you.
1.2 When you use your ATA NETshop MembershipAccount, including when you register as a ATA NETshop member, we may ask you toprovide personal information, including without limitation to name, date ofbirth, gender, phone number, email address, contact/delivery address, etc.(collectively "Personal Data"). Please note that it is mandatory foryou to provide certain fields of Personal Data as specified at the time ofcollection. Or else, we may not be able to provide you with our products and/orservices (including registering you as ATA NETshop member).
2. Use and Transfer of Personal Date
2.1 We may collect certain your personalInformation, including contact details, and the record about the services orsupport that you have requested. Any Personal Data provided to us means youauthorise us to collect, retain and use Personal Data about you for thefollowing purposes:
(a) operating and/or managing your ATANETshop Membership Account; (b) verifying your identity; (c) providing you withrewards, promotions, vouchers or services under ATA NETshop; (d) updating youfor the latest service update or notice; (e) providing you with customerservices and responding to your queries; (f) performing statistics and analysisin order to develop or improve our services; (g) for marketing and promotionalpurposes; and (h) making such disclosures as may be required for any of theabove purposes or as required by law or in respect of any feedback or claimsmade by you.
2.2 You further agree that we may discloseand transfer (in Hong Kong or overseas) your Personal Data to third partyservice providers engaged by us to provide
(a) data entry, (b) customer databasemanagement, (c) customer contact (and service providers may contact youregarding promotions, product rewards, vouchers, redemptions and customerservices), and (d) secure data disposal services ("Third Party ServiceProviders"). The Third Party Service Providers are under a duty ofconfidentiality to us and are only permitted to use your Personal Data inconnection with the purposes specified in 2.1 above, but not for their ownpurposes (including direct marketing).
2.3 When necessary we may also disclose andtransfer (in Hong Kong or overseas) your Personal Data to our professionaladvisers, law enforcement agencies, insurers, government and regulatory andother organizations for purposes specified in 2.1(h) above.
2.4 We may only use your name, phone number,email address and contact/delivery address with your consent or with yourindication of no objection to provide marketing materials to you relating to ATANETshop and/or your ATA NETshop Membership Account and goods/services which maybe redeemed under ATA NETshop and/or your ATA NETshop Membership Account, includinggoods and services provided by all ATA related companies and ATA 'smerchants/partners.
2.5 We may share unidentified aggregate datawith third parties for various purposes (including marketing and advertising),and may use this data in order to better understand your needs and to improveand adapt to our products and services.
2.6 Any Personal Data supplied by you will beretained by us and will be accessible by our employees, the Third Party ServiceProviders and third parties referred to in 2.3 above, for or in relation to anyof the purposes stated in 2.1 herein.
2.7 We may permit individuals who are staffmembers of ATA ("Staff Members") to use ATA NETshop (including butnot limited to registering as a ATA NETshop member and using the variousfunctions provided by ATA NETshop) but such Staff Members must at all timescomply with all applicable codes of conduct and/or other relevant companypolicies of us and/or their relevant employer(s) when using ATA NETshop.Notwithstanding anything stated herein, in the event it is found that a StaffMember misuses ATA NETshop in his/her capacity as a Staff Member (including butnot limited to using any confidential or other similar insider information toobtain an unfair advantage from any promotions or offers offered by ATANETshop), we will report the said matter to the relevant authorities forinvestigation and/or disciplinary purposes.
3. Safety of Personal Data
No system is impenetrable and no informationprovided over websites, apps or the internet can be guaranteed to be completelysecured. Thus, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that youtransmit to us or receive from us over ATA NETshop or the internet. Allreasonable efforts are made to ensure that any Personal Data held by us isstored in a secure and safe place, and accessed only by our authorisedemployees or authorised Third Party Service Providers.
4. Use by Third Parties
ATA NETshop may link to other apps, websitesand/or webpages which are operated by third parties. We have no control overthe content of the linked apps, websites and/or webpages or the way in whichthe operators of those apps, websites and/or webpages deal with your PersonalData. You should review the Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy forthose third party apps, website and/or webpages to understand the ways in whichyour Personal Data may be used by those third parties.
5. Access or Amend Personal Data
5.1 Under the Ordinance, you have the rightof access to Personal Data held by us about you and to request correction ofyour Personal Data.
5.2 If you have any questions regarding thisPersonal Data Protection and Privacy Policy or if you wish to access or correctyour Personal Data, you may send your request in writing to the followingaddress:
Aquaculture Technologies Asia Ltd
Rm 1103 B, 11/F, Nan Dao Commercial Building359-361 Queen's Rd C
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Email: oasis@aquatechasia.hk
5.3 In accordance with the Ordinance, wereserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any dataaccess or correction request.
6. Updates
We may amend or update this Personal DataProtection and Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice and yourPersonal Data collected shall be governed by our latest Personal DataProtection and Privacy Policy, whichshall be available in this webpage.
7. Versions
In case of discrepancies between the Englishand Chinese versions in respect of all or any part of this policy, the Englishversion shall prevail.